With the open brief of a brewery and range of beers set within a Scottish location, Bunker Down Brewery is inspired by Scotland’s Secret Bunker located in Fife. The bunker, found in Troywood Anstruther, was to hold 300 of the governments top brass in event of a nuclear apocalypse during the cold war. Bunker Down takes this inspiration yet turns it completely on its head by advocating that a bunker could be a warm cosy environment to drink and socialise. Visiting Scotland’s Secret Bunker as well as taking inspiration from its historical past, I wanted to give new life to the stories found during its lifetime within a contemporary design. This was done by taking elements of the military ascetic found within the local attraction and re imaging it with light-hearted stories. A brand with open doors to everyone and anyone, at it’s core Bunker Down Brewery is a beer brand that takes a light-hearted and fun approach to a pre-apocalyptic setting. I designed external packaging for the beer in the form of a camouflaged wrap to hide an interactive element. On the inside of the wrap is a re-designed version of the popular pencil to paper game - Battleships!